Saturday, July 18, 2015

Dr. Greg Reid, Word from the Wall writes:

"With one Supreme Court ruling in late June, I believe the course of our country has been changed and the church must respond. For the world, the ruling on gay marriage is a victory over any kind of restraints God would impose. For the church, it will be a sifting of the wheat from the tares: those who stand with the scriptures and those who disregard or alter them, those who will find opportunity, fire and forward marching orders to preach the Gospel, and those who will continue to live in their bubble, even if it means abandoning truth. Everything is so uncharted that it is hard to give much of an analysis of where it all will go, but for now, I believe we need to be in fervent prayer and real preparation until Jesus’ return. Anyone, as I have mentioned before, with even a modicum of understanding of Bible prophecy is now trembling in the fear of God for the times that we are in, while also looking for His soon appearing..."

Please read the following article:

And keep an eternal perspective.!!!.

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