Friday, July 31, 2015

A portion of a great article :     “Ichabod” has been written over the establishment church in America. The glory of the LORD has departed and no one takes notice. And, as a result, “Anathema” is being written over the entire nation. I am convinced that any spiritual renewal that might still come will mostly bypass America’s establishment churches and will be carried by nontraditional, non-aligned, unincorporated, unaffiliated--maybe even underground--fellowships. This is what is currently happening in communist--and other--oppressed countries. And America is fast becoming an oppressed country.

In the name of Romans 13, our spiritual leaders have abandoned the battlefield. They have sounded retreat. They have waved the white flag. They have capitulated. They have surrendered. And the enemy has taken the field.  What a waste.!!.

I submit, writes Chuck Baldwin, that at the judgment bar of God, these squeamish milquetoast preachers are going to have to apologize, not only to Clark, Muhlenberg, Caldwell, and Houghton, but also to every courageous man and woman throughout history. Think of Gideon and Samson and Samuel and David and Vashti and Esther and Daniel and Micaiah and Jeremiah and Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. Think of Simon Peter and James and John, and even Paul, the man who penned Romans 13. Think of the Anabaptists, the Waldensians, the Protestant Reformers, and the martyrs of the Dark Ages. Think of the Scots and Irishmen and Americans. Think of the persecuted people of Tibet and Burma and Sudan and Saudi Arabia and China and Palestine. Think of the millions of people throughout the centuries who stood against oppressors and tyrants of all stripes and types--be they political, religious, or military--and said, “No!”

When America is lying in the graveyard of history, the epitaph on its tombstone will read, "Here lies the United States of America: killed by the apathy and indifference of its pastors and churches."

As I again reflect on the giants who thundered forth liberty from the pulpits of Colonial America, and I see the behavior of so many of our pastors today, I can only repeat: What a waste!
By Chuck Baldwin
July 30, 2015

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