Tuesday, December 30, 2014

“Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.” Matthew 7:15

Separating fact from fiction can be challenging, frustrating, labor intensive but very necessary if we are to be ALL that our God would have us to be. For all who are called according to His purpose we must study to show ourselves approved unto God. Getting to “know” God through His Word. Learning His will [not ours] for our lives. Praying for brothers and sisters who are in need. Lifting the persecuted Christians to the Throne Room of God, praying - “His will be done.” 

I have joined others in praying for American Pastor Saeed Abedini, Pastor Behnam Irani, Farshid Fathi, and the thousands of others imprisoned in Iran for their faith in our LORD Jesus Christ. Freedom of religion they do not know. Tortured, beaten at the hands of their captors, they are arrested solely for their Christian faith. The Iranian government argues their Christian activities are equivalent to “actions against national security.” Their crimes; possessing religious propaganda— Bibles printed in Farsi, unlawfully distributing Bibles… but today I read…

“As Christians around the world celebrated Christmas, the holiday season was also observed in Iran. Christmas trees decorated with red, green and gold gift boxes placed behind shop windows or at the entrances of different shopping malls and hotels can be seen, especially in the Christian neighborhoods of Tehran. Nativity scenes of the Virgin Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus, could also be seen in shops along Mirza Shirazi Avenue and Ostaad Nejatollahi (Villa Avenue) and its surrounding neighborhoods in central Tehran.

This year, President Hassan Rouhani sent season's greetings to Pope Francis and world leaders. "May Jesus Christ, the prophet of peace and love, bless us all on this day. Wishing Merry Christmas to those celebrating, Iranian Christians,” he tweeted. Also, Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif expressed hope for a more peaceful 2015.

The Twitter account belonging to the office of Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei also featured a series of messages on the occasion of Christmas. One of the messages read: “It’s time for all caring Muslims, Christians & Jews to obey the prophets & truly honor Jesus' birthday by standing up against Israeli crimes.” [AlMonitor]

Perhaps the persecuted church, those that are beheaded, burned alive, raped, sawn in half, sold into slavery or in prison for faith in Jesus are a threat to Islam, while those who walk freely, professing Christianity, whether they be in Iran, the UK, France, or America or no threat to anyone.

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