Monday, May 26, 2014

Picture this.

A long, long road; you look ahead, you look behind - a road filled with tens of thousands of travelers. Some skipping along, others jumping for joy, while others are weary and weak with age yet all move forward. A sea of never ending faces, each going their own pace, seemingly oblivious to the others that travel the road, all consumed with their own journey, the road set before them. Ever so often a head raises to look longingly down the road as if to say; “how much further?”

This week I learned a valuable lesson, a hard lesson, but as I am fond of saying - “a lesson earned it a lesson learned.”

A dear one dropped by on their way to see the movie Heaven is For Real. And of course, I as the consummate researcher had to share what I “thought” I knew about the film. They went to the movie in spite of my best efforts and returned a glowing report, loving the movie. My credibility in tatters, God showed me - I am not the General. I am not a Bird Colonel, a Lieutenant Colonel or an Admiral. I am but a lowly private - perhaps not even first class - since it appears I am unable to follow orders.

God, The Holy Spirit is the General - Four Star General. The all powerful Four Star General who alone has the power to change hearts and minds. When confrontation comes, my first line of defense is not to open my mouth, it is to close my mouth, begin to pray for the General to change their hearts and minds. Opinions carry very little, if any, weight with one who has limited discernment, knowledge or teaching. Our job is to follow orders. Did not the Apostles ask the LORD, “Teach us to pray.” Perhaps this too should be our prayer.

Now, place yourself on this road. Some are far ahead of you, others just a few steps ahead or behind, while others lag far behind. But notice, all are moving forward.

“One day Jesus was praying in a certain place. When he finished, one of his disciples said to him, “Lord, teach us to pray…”

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