Thursday, February 27, 2014

The Church of Satan worldwide has set aside time each day to pray for the demise of the Christian church, and its pastors.

Sadly, the church does not pray as fervently.!.

How much time do we spend on our knees for the leaders of our church? How many pastors, brothers or sisters in Christ have fallen into sexual immorality? How many more will? How many families in your church have been torn apart with divorce? How many more will? Do we pray and petition, or condemn and condone, excuse or worse, ignore?

Jesus not only preached and taught the people, He prayed for them and taught His disciples to do the same.

We must pray in faith without doubting. We must pray according to His will. We must come to His throne room of grace in total surrender, acknowledging our sins, seeking His forgiveness with praise and petition, in a position of dependence, knowing that apart from Him we are powerless, hopeless and doomed to fail. Our prayers do not bring about change, God does.!.

It is not about us --- it is all about Him.

“When the foundations are being destroyed, what can the righteous do? The Lord is in his holy temple; the Lord is on his heavenly throne. He observes everyone on earth; His eyes examine them.” Psalm 11:3-4

What can the righteous do? We can pray.!!!.

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