Friday, December 27, 2013

“As we begin preparations for the visit of His Holiness Pope Francis next year, we call upon pilgrims from all over the world to come and experience Palestine and our Holy Sites,” Mahmoud Abbas said. The pope’s visit “will be a good opportunity for Christians from all over the world to become closer to their sisters and brothers in Palestine.”

It is reported that Abbas said Jesus was a “Palestinian messenger who would become a guiding light for millions.”   Ynetnews

Islamic forces have no problem with Jesus - as long as he is not Jewish.

Mahmoud Abbas celebrating Catholic mas in Bethlehem.
Will the pope and the Catholic church join forces with Islam?

Time will tell - stay tuned.!!


  1. interesting question...speaking of unholy unions, take a look at the picture in this story, this is as demonic as it gets -

    Things are getting quite interesting aren't they? Be alert, be awake, be ready dear sister.

  2. It appears Russia is lining up with the RCC as is Islam. We do live in interesting times. Such deception in governments across the world - thankfully I am a citizen of another world - my heavenly home ruled by the King of Kings and Lord of LORDS. Maranatha.!!!..

  3. Looked at the photo. YIKES.!!, the look on their faces is scary - almost demonic - especially Putin. WOW.!!!..
