Friday, September 16, 2011

Herescope writes:

'Before sending your RSVP to the wedding of Dominique and Political Perry, biblical believers need to remember; our future is not on this present earth.

'Political Perry has proposed marriage to Dominique (NAR & IHOP apostles and prophets) and she has accepted. Political Perry chose for his beloved from a fringe evangelical clan of decendants of the long-forgotten Pentecostal clan called "Latter-Rain." Many among the various clans of evangelicals haven’t even heard about Dominique, or even the clan Latter Rain. But many evangelicals are just content to know that Dominique is from conservative stock and has no relatives among the liberals.

Even though some of Dominique's nearest family members call their leaders apostles and prophets and have plans to start a worldwide struggle to subdue the earth, they are perceived as better than the liberals and have a leftist quest for a one world pagan order.

Dominique has a lot to offer Political Perry to help him become the Republican nominee and become the leader of the free world. Dominique has in place a network of close relatives in every state, even down to the precinct level. Her more distant cousins and other evangelical clans can be counted on later in the national election. The prospective bridegroom is already making friends of Dominique’s closer political friends and extended family...

Political Perry is just another politician looking for votes and power. Dominique is a harlot who would like to use Political Perry—or any other convenient candidate—for a false dominion upon the earth.'

Things are not always as they appear. Beware of wolves in sheep's clothing, wherever they may be found.

To read the complete article, visit:

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