Thursday, June 4, 2015

When is enough, ENOUGH? When will ‘Christians’ stand up, STAND UP FOR JESUS.!! When will we come out and be separate? When will we strive to make a difference in our community, our state and our nation?

We bow to Islam, bend when threatened with lawsuit, allowed prayer and Bible reading to be removed from schools, stood by silently when Roe v Wade was passed and now, we await in silence the vote of ‘supreme’ count appointees to determine what God has already ordained in His Word, marriage is between one man and one woman.

“We wrestle not with flesh and blood.” Christians are not at war with any man that walks the earth. We are at war with satan and his desire to destroy The Word by destroying the people of God.

“In that day when the Gospel shall be silenced, when our ministers shall cease to preach; when the Bible shall be chained; in that day—God forbid it should ever come to pass—in that day, England, [America] may write herself among the dead, for she hath fallen, since God hath forsaken her, seeing she hath cast off her allegiance to him. Christian men, in this fight for right, ye are fighting for your nation, for your liberties, your happiness and your peace; for unless religion, the religion of heaven be maintained, these will most certainly be destroyed.” Charles Spurgeon


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. America' pastors have traded truth for tolerance, praise for power and faith for frivolity. America' churches are filled with the dead and dying and few have taken notice. The judgement of Almighty God is upon this nation.

  3. Most of the Church seems to be apathetic.

    1. judgement indeed does begin in the household of God. Come out of her My people and be ye separate seems to have been substituted for unity and tolerance within the body today.
