Wednesday, May 1, 2013

"Let us lay hold of God's truth with iron grip, and never let it go. Up with your banners, soldiers of the cross! This is not the time to be frightened by the cries against conscientious convictions which are nowadays nicknamed sectarianism, intolerant and bigotry. Believe in your hearts what you profess to believe; proclaim openly and zealously what you know to be the truth.
Is there enough of Christ about my life to make me like a light in the midst of the darkness, or is it very likely that if I were to live in a house the inhabitants would never see any difference between me and the ungodly?

May your life and mine convince gainsayers that there is a power in the gospel of Jesus Christ, and make them confess that they not having it are losing a great blessing. Let others believe as they may, or deny as they will, for you the truth as it is in Jesus is the one thing that has won your heart and made you a soldier of the cross."   Charles H. Spurgeon

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