Thursday, July 1, 2021

Where are they who are ashamed of the abominations which they have committed? No shame at all; none even know how to blush. So they will fall among the fallen, when I punish them, THEY WILL COLLAPSE says the LORD. Stand at the crossroads and look. Ask for the ancient paths, seek the good way, then walk in it and you will find rest for your souls.

But millions are saying: “We will not walk in the ways of the LORD. We will follow our own ways, make our own rules, govern ourselves, rejecting what is goodness and light all the while embracing what is dark, destructive and evil. I the LORD appointed watchmen over you and said, “Listen for the sound of the ram’ horn.” Actions speaking louder than words. The rams horn sounded warnings, Truth continually speaks from The Word of God yet millions in defiant rebellion and arrogant pride refuse to listen. 

Worship the Lord, serve Him with reverent awe-inspired fear and submissive wonder. In trembling, rejoice in the goodness of your God. If a man or woman, young or old do not repent, God will sharpen His sword, string His bow and make it ready. Vengeance is Mine says the LORD, I will repay.” Let the wickedness of the wicked come to an end. Try the hearts and minds of the righteous, LORD. Establish us in right standing with You.

But you kings, judges, presidents, prime ministers, rulers of the earth; act wisely. Be instructed and take warning. The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge. But arrogant fools despise godly wisdom, instruction and self-discipline. Because in them there has been no change of heart. Because they do not fear God, He will hear the prayers and cries of His people and humble the proud, the haughty the rebellious deceiver. He who sits enthroned from old, sees all, hears all and knows all.

Tremble in fear of God, seek to serve Him. Meditate in your heart upon your bed. Be still and learn His ways. Reflect on your sin and repent of your rebellion. Our shield and our defense depend on God Who saves the upright in heart. (Scripture references from Jeremiah 6, and The Psalms)

Let us celebrate our independence, our liberty, our freedom this July 4thBUT never take it for granted.

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