Wednesday, August 16, 2023

 As we reflect on all that is happening in our nation and the world, we come to realize, we have learned little and have much to catch up on...and seemingly not a lot of time to regroup, listen or learn. For those with eyes to see, ears to hear and an attitude to change, let’s dig in. Can’t think of a better place to begin digging than 2 Chronicles 7:14

If ‘MY’ people;” written to those who profess to believe. Those with strong convictions regarding His Word, those who have committed to following The Word and live lives in His service; sing in the choir, teach a bible study, pastor a church...and also to those who have made a professions of faith, perhaps been baptized and once in awhile read the word, attend church when they can and make an attempt to follow what it says. Whether vacillating or victorious, you are His people. “Called by My Name,” Christian – little Christs. If you identify yourself as a christian He’s talking to you. “Will humble themselves,” Interesting word humble. Humble is to recognize God is God, we are not; and that we owe Him far more than He would ever owe us. Is there anything in your life that occupies more of your time and thoughts than God? “And pray.” Talking to God. Allowing Him to be a part of our lives, knowing we don’t have all the answers, but believing He does. Believing enough to talk to Him about it. “And seek My face,” Search, dig, get to know Him, learn His ways. “And turn from their wicked ways,” Stop doing what is sinful and strive to live a godly life. Easy, not always, Rewarding, always.

Now that we know what we must do, what the LORD requires, and if there is always a reward...what’s my reward? THEN I (THE LORD) WILL HEAR FROM HEAVEN AND WILL FORGIVE THEIR SIN AND HEAL THEIR LAND. If we refuse to do our part, don’t expect God to do His. If we want our land healed, we know what we must do. The choice is ours to make. The stakes are high...will you humble yourself, pray, seek His face and turn from your wicked ways or allow your nation to slide further into apostasy and darkness.

It’s up to you Christian. Ask yourself; “am I willing to pay the price?”

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