Saturday, January 30, 2021

Sitting in silence gives us opportunity to hear Holy Spirit more clearly, to focus on Him and not the roaring voices of hype and fear or the clanging noise and nonsense of the world. Sitting in silence I have listened and I am learning. Learning is a process, daily we have opportunity to learn and depending upon on what we listen to, that is what we learn. If we listen to news we become informed yet troubled. Let not your heart be troubled. John 14:1 If we listen to praise music we become more peaceful and calm, if we read His word our hope becomes faith and we can stand strong and unshakable.

I have waited to post, waited and prayed, I have listened and hopefully I have learned. Each of us must hear His still small voice for ourselves. Each of us must read and study to show ourselves approved of God, a workman that need not to be ashamed – that we may rightly divide the Word of God. (2Timothy 2:15) Jehovah Elohim desires relationship, fellowship with His children. He is our Father, our Abba and longs to be a part of our lives...but often we are too busy doing to be still and know that He alone is God, that He alone has all the answers and He alone remains in control of this world and all that is within. We must become a part of what He is doing, not be busily making our own plans.  

Since before the election, beginning in early March, Holy Spirit has been speaking: “Days will be so very dark. Reject the voices of evil, reject all that does not line up with My Word.” Repeatedly He spoke, “Darkness will intensify in November.” (this word was given on Sept. 12, 2020) On Sept. 23 He spoke; “Now is the time, now is the hour for men to awaken to the dangers lurking in the shadows, behind locked doors, in plain sight, viewed by those with discernment and godly wisdom. Do not be fooled, awaken to the danger.” His warnings continued. October 24, 2020; “Keep on the narrow road. Keep alert, watchful. Danger approaches but keep your eyes always on Me. Nothing is outside My view. Nothing takes Me by surprise, nothing will happen that I will not use for My glory and the good of My people.” On Nov. 7, 2020 I was instructed to put the blog to rest. Holy Spirit said “stand in faith, pray against vain imaginations. Powers of darkness must flee as you take your position standing in faith believing for miracles. Put the blog to rest. When it is time you will know, the time is not now. Wait on Me.”

Holy Spirit has given me much more since that time. After watching a short clip of the two minutes of silence after the swearing in and before Joe Biden gave his acceptance speech. I ask the reason for the silence. Holy Spirit spoke clearly; “The two minutes of silence was to give each one an opportunity to repent, to acknowledge their sin before Me. I waited but none spoke. Their decision was made, their fate sealed. None will be able to say they did not know, for all knew that day, January 20, 2021 as I spoke to each heart.” As Holy Spirit directs I will share as I am led. Know this; God is in control. Fear not, allow Him to be your peace. “I am aware of all that is going on. Be not dismayed, continue to stand in faith. Praise Me and see My glory and might spread across this nation. Righteousness will prevail, satan is defeated. Stand strong and be amazed.”

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