Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The first program of the ten of the series 'The Bible' aired this weekend - viewed by millions.

To say reviews were mixed would be an understatement. If one realizes the producers of the series are devout catholics, AND if one also realizes the apostate Roman Catholic Church has been distorting, changing and twisting The Word of God since the early beginnings of the church, then there is only one way we can view this presentation;

with tear filled eyes and a broken heart. 

The following is from Charles H. Spurgeon ~

"Soon after apostolic times there came the old Roman rubbish, which in the end proved a worse hindrance to the gospel than all the errors which had preceded it.

This Popish rubbish was found in layers; first one doctrinal error, and then another, and then another, and then another, and then another,
until at this time the errors of the Church of
Rome are as countless as the stars, as black as midnight, and as foul as hell.

Her abominations reek in the nostrils of all Christian men, or at least they should.  Her idolatries are the scorn of reason and the abhorrence of faith.
The iniquities of her practice, and the atrociousness of her doctrine, almost surpass belief.

As the gospel is the masterpiece of God, “Popery” is the masterpiece of Satan!
There can scarcely be imagined anything of devilish craftiness or Satanic wickedness which could be compared with her.
She is the unparalleled queen of iniquity! Behold upon her forehead the name, Mystery, Babylon the great, the mother of harlots and abominations of the earth.

The church of Rome and her teachings are a vast mountain of rubbish covering the truth."


  1. Sadly, opening night was viewed by millions. Perhaps some of those will open their Bibles and check out what they saw and heard, not just swallow and follow - one can only hope AND PRAY.
